Leigh Baxter
Senior Structural/Geotechnical Engineer

Professional Overview
Leigh Baxter is a Structural / Geotechnical Engineer with 12 years of design and site experience in reinforced, post tensioned and prestressed concrete, structural steelwork, timber, masonry, geotechnical, bridges, civil infrastructure, and wind engineering.
Experience includes site inspections, project management, load testing and site investigation. Leigh’s experience is highlighted with bridge designs for government and private sectors, and conducting Level 1, 2 and 3 bridge condition assessments. Leigh’s has extensive geotechnical engineering experience, including geotechnical design and documentation, site investigation, geotechnical field work, and technical reporting.
Leigh has extensive experience in geotechnical site investigations and report development describing geotechnical parameters and guidance for civil and structural construction works. Experience includes site investigations (including class ‘P’ sites), site classification reports, slope stability assessments, footing design, retaining wall design, geotechnical investigations including test pit and borehole logging and sampling for production of geotechnical reports incorporating laboratory data for structural foundation design.
Leigh has extensive experience in coordinating and conducting borehole drilling investigations including Standard Penetrometer Testing (SPT), Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Testing, soil/rock sampling and logging, coordinating laboratory testing and providing design parameters for foundations of various structures.
Current holder of CASA Remote Pilots Licence (RePL) and Aeronautical Radio Operators Certificate (AROC). Leigh has experience in photogrammetry digital 3D mapping and surveying utilising drone technology.
Duncan Brown Road Bridge, TRC
Lead structural / geotechnical design engineer for the 39m long, dual carriageway 3-span bridge. Bridge contains prestressed concrete deck units supported on a substructure of concrete piers and abutments supported by concrete bored piers.
Cairns Airport International T2 Upgrade
Lead structural design engineer for the International Terminal 2 upgrade. The upgrade includes various building extensions. The stiffened raft slab contained grids of integral band beam thickenings spanning between piles. Foundations were sub-contracted to a screw piling contractor.
Australian Border Force (ABF) Thursday Island Wharf Upgrade
As part of the ABF Fast Response Boat Program for Thursday Island, Leigh conducted site inspections, structural design for the Thursday Island wharf upgrade, and the analysis of geotechnical data for pavement design and maintenance facilities.
Cairns Bulk Sugar Terminal Pile Remediations
Lead structural designer and project/design manager for the Cairns Bulk Sugar Terminal Shed pile remediation works. Many of the sheds support piles has corroded reinforcement leading to compromised strength. Works included the identification of the compromised piles, and managing the works which included steel augmentation, the installation of sacrificial anodes and shotcreting to bring the piles back to acceptable strength.
Aurukun 1.2ML Reservoir
Lead structural and geotechnical design engineer for the 1.2ML reservoir in Aurukun to contain potable water for the Aurukun Community. The above ground tank included full precast walls, roof and internal columns locked in place by stainless steel anchoring systems.
Portal Concrete Drift End Piece Design
Structural and geotechnical design and detailing of the reinforced concrete portal concrete drift end pieces for Grosvenor Mine. Leigh’s role included the sizing, reinforcement detailing, and footings to withstand rock blast pressures from within the mine.
12-Level Highrise Development, Esplanade, Cairns
Geotechnical investigation for a proposed 12 level high-rise development to be constructed on the Cairns Esplanade for KNK Design Studios. Supervision, logging and coordination of three 25m deep boreholes with associated laboratory testing, geotechnical engineering analysis and geotechnical interpolation and reporting for deep foundations.
Harley Street Intersection Upgrade, Trunk Water Main Aerial Crossing, Kamerunga Water Main Aerial Crossing, Cairns
Geotechnical investigation for a proposed water trunk main aerial crossing in Kamerunga for FGF Developments. Geotechnical supervision, logging and coordination of borehole drilling for a water pipe aerial crossing to be supported by screw piles. Included geotechnical analysis, geotechnical interpolation and reporting for screw piles