Chris Taifalos
Director/Principal Engineer

Professional Overview
Born and bred in Innisfail on a farm, I realised at an early age that my passion lay in some form of engineering. I completed my Bachelor of Civil engineering in 2005 in Townsville at James Cook University. Initially employed in a civil/structural design role with a local consultancy, I quickly progressed to management responsibilities across a range of projects, including large civil construction and mining infrastructure projects, Owner’s representative roles on government infrastructure programs, expert advice and loss adjustment for major insurers. This experience includes initial scoping and feasibility assessments through to detailed design, tender preparation and management. I am proficient in both disciplines of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering and have attained recognition in both disciplines by Engineers Australia and other legislative bodies in Australia and abroad.
Project work has included significant remote area experience, including PNG, and has involved working with people across a variety of cultures, educational backgrounds, varying age-groups and skills. An approach that strikes a balance between strong communications skills and technical ability has enabled me to provide an effective all-round approach that is often required in infrastructure design and delivery. The ability to bring a strong design background to the project is a key strength of my approach.
More recently, and in partnership with Peter De Roma, we have established an exciting new engineering consultancy to provide a revitalised approach to the industry.
Career Highlights:
Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies for civil, mining and ports infrastructure. In this role, key information such as geotechnical data, concept design calculations and budget costings. Typical projects have included MIA layout planning, materials handling and conveyor works, CHPP inspections and audits, and various foundation designs and embankment stabilisation projects, pond infrastructure and ports infrastructure.
Structural audits on existing plant and infrastructure where considered to be utilized and retrofitted during proposed expansion projects. In this process, risk assessments were conducted to overcome potential issues that may arise and result in cost blow out during the construction works.
Engaged by major corporations to undertake audits across national facilities to identify and implement improved system processes for audit and certification of storage systems.
Expert advice under appointed loss adjusters and insurance companies to provide specialist structural, civil and geotechnical advice, designs, management and certification following natural disasters, inclusive of Tropical Cyclones, severe flooding, earth failure/land slips and building failures.
Assist local authorities in inspecting, reporting, designing, certifying, procuring and managing construction for the recovery of vital infrastructure as part of the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA).
Provide engineering services to Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) for identified projects (buildings and community infrastructure) deemed suitable for trainees in obtaining certifications. Works include scoping, documenting, engaging and liaising with appropriate sub-consultants, procurement and construction management from start to finish.
Conduct road failure inspection, geotechnical investigation, design options, design and document micropile ‘A’frame solution, procure and oversee site installation, verification and final sign off on numerous sites within FNQ.
Manage, oversee and certify works carried out for various over water and land based drilling investigations. Investigations typically consisted of service identification, test pit excavations, borehole drilling/coring, onsite effluent investigations, associated laboratory testing management, report deliverables inclusive of design responsibilities.
Provided much needed on the ground Post disaster event support to Property Owners, Insurance Companies, Loss Adjusters and Government Authorities (local and State).