Dan Mansfield
Senior Designer

Professional Overview
Dan is a Civil Designer with 16+ years’ experience in the civil engineering field. Having worked in several different engineering firms he has picked up many skills from a variety of different fields.
In his current position Daniel works as an integral part of the OSE team providing Technical Services by means of design, drafting, plan to constructability innovations and workflows in many facets within civil engineering design. Providing expertise in a diverse field including and not limited to State controlled roads, local government projects and urban development subdivisions; from the smallest local road to major freeways, Daniel has experience in all scales of projects.
Daniel is well versed in the current Austroads, MUTCD, TMR RPDM, QUDM, WSAA and FNQROC standards and guidelines. Dan also has experience in stormwater drainage network modelling and small to medium scale overland hydrology design.
Daniel also regularly conducts drafting and design checks on jobs for peers and regards QA with the highest respect as it is the quality of plan output that reflects not only the individual but the company.
Cowley Beach Corridor – Transport and Main Roads
Implementation of a wire rope safety barrier system within the centre of the road, the first of its kind within this region of the state.
– Job required major EDD and DE elements
– Sight Distance and manoeuvre width calculations
– Culvert extensions
Cairns Ring Road – Transport and Main Roads
Provision of planning layouts atop of Survey and aerial imagery to provide design solutions to an Austroads NDD standard to alleviate traffic issues present and projected towards year 2046.
– Intricate 2d layouts aligning with Austroads Standards
– Particular detail to layouts with sensitivity around service locations, existing features and vehicle turn movements
Rainforest Meadows – Bentley Park for Koppen Developments Pty Ltd
Design of a Multiple stages of a subdivision encompassing elevated split level lots including retaining wall designs and corresponding sewer, water and stormwater infrastructure.
– Allotment grading and earthworks design to create flat building pads for all lots
– Stormwater drainage network design
– Sewer reticulation network design
– Water reticulation network design
M1 motorway – Varsity Lakes to Burleigh – Transport and Main Roads
Development of workflows in integrating the various design disciplines; including surveys, road designs, various public utilities upgrades (communications, gas, water, sewer) stormwater, lighting and signals pits and conduits. Oversight on designs, ensuring no clash detection, and integrating all the above models to produce a federated BIM model for output.
Guthalungra Prawn Farm for Pacific Reef Industries and MBD Energy
Bulk earthworks design of the Guthalungra Prawn farm site incorporating 210 prawn ponds each being 100 x 110 metres in area. Also designing the corresponding inlet and outlet channels to be positively graded without the requirement of pumping and major water storage and refresh reservoir dams.
– Bulk earthworks design for entire site (approx. 4km wide by 2.5 km long)
– Inlet and outlet Channel sizing for required flow rate to ponds and drainage flood immunity
– Stripping and encapsulating of topsoil, black soil, alluvium clay and sandy clays to be repurposed i.e. for pond bedding material and channel linings
QRA program for Torres Shire Council
Conduct site visits to Thursday island, Horn Island and Prince of Wales Island to determine and assess treatments for works to be done under the QRA funding scheme. Undergo applications for funding on behalf of Torres Shire Council.
Bentley Crossing Stages 1a & 1c, Stages 2 & 3 and Master planning for Fortress Developments
Master planning of the entire Bentley Crossing development equating to 300+ lots with detailed designs been completed for stages 1a & 1c; and stages 2 & 3.
– Detail designs completed for the noted stages, preliminary design for the entire road network ranging from access place streets to collector and sub arterial roads.
– Allotment grading and earthworks design
– Design of cul-de-sacs for multiple roads
– Stormwater drainage network design with provisions for a gross pollutant traps
– 3 major creek crossings designed with large major culverts
– Sewer reticulation network design
– Water reticulation network design
– 500m of 400mm dia. trunk water main design was required
– Erosion and Sediment control strategies implemented into design
Wasaga Roads and Drainage Scheme (Horn Island) for Torres Shire Council
Major upgrade of the entire road network on Horn Island Community (Approx. 12 Streets)
– Detail Design of the entire road network of roads for the community of Wasaga
– Established a road hierarchy when designing the road network
– Stormwater drainage network design
Edmonton Business and Industry Park for PREGNO Family Investments PTY LTD
Design and Drafting of a Subdivision incorporating industrial sized lots.
– A road network made up of minor and major collector roads as well as an arterial road.
– Designs completed with provisions of cyclists and kerb crossovers for pedestrians
– Channelized intersections designed with appropriate truck turning movements
– Stormwater drainage network design with provisions for a gross pollutant traps
– Sewer reticulation network design
– Water reticulation network design
– Erosion and Sediment control strategies implemented into design
New Water Main from the Artesian Bore to the Water Treatment Plant in Normanton for Carpentaria Shire Council
– Determined a new shorter, direct alignment for new 100mm PE water main to replace existing main
– Analysis of existing buildings and service clashes to determine best possible alignment
Paradise Point Estate Palm Cove – Stages 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 for Malvern Development Company
Design and drafting of 74 lots comprised of 6 access streets and a minor collector road.
– Detail design of road network, with respect to corresponding road hierarchy defined in FNQROC
– Allotment grading and earthworks design
– Design of multiple retaining walls with a maximum wall height of 2.5m\
– Design of accesses and steep driveways
– Design of multiple cul-de-sacs, battleaxe Tee heads and road intersections
– Design of footpaths and kerb crossings for pedestrians at intersections
– Stormwater drainage network design with a major creek crossing culvert
– Sewer reticulation network design with the need for a sewer pressure main and sewer pumpstation allocated to stages 5 & 6.
– Water reticulation network design
– Erosion and Sediment control strategies implemented into design
Road Safety Audits for Consolidated Tin Mines
– Determinant of site distances at the road access/intersections for two mines
– 2d survey of entire intersection determined by measurement lengths and widths to determine if they adhere to current Austroads standards
– With the above survey; haul truck turn movements determined and analysed for both sites
– Roads approaching analysed and design speed of conditions assessed
Transport Network Reconstruction Program (TNRP) – Various sites – North Queensland and Central West Region for The Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland
TNRP covers the repair and re-instatement of flood damaged roads from the 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 wet seasons. Roads worked on include:
– Mulligan Highway
– Landsborough Highway
– Longlands Gap Road
– Rex Range Road
– Davidson Road
– Kennedy Highway
– Palmerston Highway
– Gulf Development Road
– Warner Road
Mossman Gorge Training and Visitor Information Centre for Indigenous Land Corporation
– Carpark and Building Earthworks Design (12D)
– Approaches of road to the Carpark Entrance Intersection
– Service Relocations Plans
– Drainage analysis and Calculations
– Drainage Network Design including a gross pollutant trap
– Detention Basin Design
– Bulk Earthworks to Buildings
Cairns Transit Network for Cairns Regional Council and Transport and Main Roads Queensland
– Concept Design of alignments of future bus lanes either side of a light rail network all within the same corridor
– Plan Production for options of a Busway from Palm Cove to Gordonvale
Geometric and Intersection Design Layouts
– Bus Layover Areas
– Preliminary design of the Cairns Transit Mall incorporating design of the road, pedestrian movements and busways
National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) Cardwell Foreshore Concept Design for Transport and Main Roads Queensland
– Concept development and plan production of options for Cardwell foreshore after cyclone Yasi
– Alignments Intersections (CHR, CHR(S),AUL, AUL(S), roundabouts), school zones, truck stops, car parking
– Overcoming cross sectional width (carriageway and verge) restrictions
– Car park options southern end of Cardwell
Heavy vehicle bypass options